Last minute adverts

Date: 2016-10-03

Our new section for lastminute adverts is now ready for use.
As advertiser on SecondCASA you can publish special offers and last minute offers absolutely free of charge.

In your "My account" administration module you can add special offers that you would like to promote. You can also set up last minute-rules. Last minute rules will automatically generate and publish offers if your rental is marked as free in your calendar.


This rule will automatically generate a last minute week-offer for 10% discount and publish it 30 days before the period begins.
The only condition is that your calendar must be updated regularly (=within the last 90 days).
If the period is already booked or your calendar is not updated - nothing happens.

All offers are posted on the separate page for lastminute offers. Further all offers will be on rotation on the frontpage, giving your advert maximum exposure.